East Goshen Parks & Recreation
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EGT Park Camp Out

EGT Park Camp Out hosted by the Friends of East Goshen (FOEG)
Date: May 31, 5pm – 7am
Description: Last year, we had over 700 people sleep in the park overnight and it was AWESOME! Well, minus the snoring dads of course! We had multiple bonfires, two movies, moon bounces, Silent Disco and the raising of the official Camp Out flag! This is a FOEG fundraiser event, with net proceeds supporting Township park events like Community Day and the Pumpkin Festival. Reminder: Parent/Guardians willing to fill a two-hour Night Guard shift come for free! Email Jason at jlang@eastgoshen.org to be added to the Night Guard list or to receive the registration link when it becomes active.

Resident registration begins on: March 1st; Non-resident registration on March 8th
Each ticket is good for one tent site (20' x 20') and one family.
EGT Park Camp Out! EGT Park Camp Out!